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Wizard's Education Page 3

  Before she could formulate a response, the princess was off again.

  "And you, you're so pretty. Not like me."

  Chihon didn't think of herself as pretty. She was just a girl who sold bread in the market, nothing special.

  "I wish I could travel with the wizard, just like you do," the princess continued.

  Chihon looked her over. The princess was slightly taller than Chihon but thin and spindly. She reminded Chihon of a bird with her bony arms and legs and a pronounced nose. Even though the princess had two maids to attend to her appearance, her hair was in a constant state of disarray with frayed ends poking out from her carefully built coif.

  "Princess, you have such a wonderful life. You live in the palace with all these servants around. You never have to sleep in the woods or walk for leagues every day just to get somewhere."

  She glanced over at Lorit. It looked as if he was enjoying the wine a little too much. He was talking loudly and gesturing wildly. She felt the power rise in him just as it did when he fought the priest. He was preparing to use his magic, right there in the middle of the feast.

  She reached out to him and tried to dampen his power, encouraging him to relax, and dissuading him from doing something he would regret. She felt him push her away as he released a spell.

  Suddenly, there was a loud bang and a large cloud of smoke appeared in front of Lorit. The crowd made appreciative noises as the smoke cleared. In front of Lorit lay a small pile of copper coins. He picked them up and handed them out to the servants who were attending him.

  Chihon had felt the energy drain from Lorit when he did the conjuration. She pushed a reproach at him, warning him that he was attracting attention that, surely, they wished to avoid.

  A sharp jab interrupted her efforts. "Did you see that?" the princess demanded.

  "Yes, I did." Chihon had to raise her voice to be heard over the sound of the band tuning their instruments.

  "Isn't he amazing? You're so lucky." The princess looked at her like a small child excited by a shiny new toy.

  "Lucky is not how I describe the situation," Chihon said sarcastically.

  Before she could finish, the princess was out of her seat and rushing for Lorit. She grabbed him out of his chair and hauled him to the center of the floor just as the band began to play a dance tune.

  Servants quickly cleared the tables and hauled them away, leaving the room clear for the dancers. Chihon stood back against the wall, watching Lorit dance with Princess Ukina. The girl held on to him as if he were going to escape at any moment. He was not a strong dancer so their dance consisted mostly of the princess dragging Lorit around the floor in time to the music. Chihon smiled, knowing how uncomfortable this made him, although he did seem to be enjoying himself.

  She had never seen Lorit behave like this. He was usually so serious and reserved. She wondered why he was allowing the princess to hang all over him when he could have done something to cool her ardor. Chihon steeled herself to wind her way through the crowd, cut into their dance, and remind Lorit that they had an early start in the morning when a strange voice interrupted her thoughts.

  "She's quite the dancer, isn't she?" someone said. She looked over to see a young man standing next to her. He was dressed in court finery and wore a sword. Only members of the royal family were allowed weapons at a gathering like this.

  "I'm Rothen, the king's nephew. My father was the king's brother." He offered her a chalice of wine.

  Chihon accepted the proffered drink and took a sip. The wine was tasty, but she felt the strength of it as it went down and knew it was much more potent than the ale she was used to. She took a second swallow, not wanting to appear ungracious, and set it on the table nearby.

  "Do you know the princess well, then?" she asked.

  "We grew up together, right here in the castle." He nodded toward the hallways adjoining the banquet room. "She's quite a handful. Your friend isn't going to get a chance to dance with anyone else tonight."

  "I was just deciding if I should try to cut in and rescue him," Chihon said, glancing over at the couple. The princess had a death grip on Lorit. He caught Chihon's eye and smiled a silly smile at her as they swirled by.

  "I wouldn't advise getting between the princess and her conquest. She's very protective." Rothen extended his arm. "Would you do me the honor of this dance?"

  Chihon considered his offer. She was only a slightly better dancer than Lorit and didn't actually feel comfortable around the royals. She considered making an excuse that she had to make an early start and was tired, but dancing with Rothen might give her the opportunity to intercept and rejoin Lorit.

  "I don't bite." Rothen looked at her with sad eyes that begged her indulgence.

  "I guess one dance won't hurt." Chihon took his hand and stepped into the throng.

  Rothen whirled her around the floor in time to the music until she thought her legs were going to give out. Chihon caught occasional glimpses of Lorit and Princess Ukina as they danced by, but she was unable to make her way over to them.

  She must have drunk more wine than she'd planned, or it was a lot stronger than it appeared, or maybe it was the whirling around the dance floor. Chihon felt dizzy and lightheaded. She leaned on Rothen more and more as the dance wore on.

  Finally, she bent close to his ear to be heard above the band. "I don't think I'm feeling all that well. Can we please sit down?"

  As the princess led Lorit around the dance floor, he caught sight of Chihon. She was dancing with a young man wearing a sword, one of the royal family, no doubt. Lorit felt a slight flush at the sight. Who was this man Chihon was dancing with?

  She didn't look like she was enjoying the dance. Lorit saw her slump down into the man's arms. He caught her and held her up. She was flush and sweaty and her eyes closed as she collapsed completely, held up only by her dance partner.

  Lorit pulled free of the princess and started for Chihon.

  "Where are you going?" the princess asked, grabbing his arm.

  "Chihon," was all he said as he shook free of her grasp. He pushed through the crowd of dancers, heedless of the fact that he knocked down a couple who hadn't seen him coming until it was too late.

  He reached Chihon and grabbed her arm, throwing it over his shoulder and lifting her weight from her dance partner. He pulled her off the dance floor and over to a chair, lowering her gently into it.

  "Chihon, what happened? Are you all right?" Lorit felt a cold sweat break out. She was barely breathing. He reached out to her with his magic. She was weak and unresponsive. He pushed his magic into her, trying to give her strength.

  She looked up at him. Her eyes were glassy and unfocused. "Lorit?" Chihon's eyes fluttered and closed. He felt her weight on him as she collapsed against his shoulder.

  Lorit looked at the man who had been dancing with her. "What happened?"

  "She was feeling a little dizzy and asked me to help her off the dance floor. Then she just collapsed."

  Lorit pulled one arm around his shoulder as he tried to help her up. He was unsteady on his feet from a little too much wine. Thankfully, the man helped him carry her back to her room. Lorit laid her on the bed. "Thank you for your help. Can you fetch a healer?"

  "I'll send one over." Rothen quickly left the room.

  A short while later a woman arrived with a jug of water and a few vials. "I'm Tass, the princess' maid and a healer."

  She knelt down next to Chihon and placed her hand on the girl's forehead, then she loosened Chihon's gown and propped her head up on a pillow.

  "So she can breathe easier," the old woman said. She looked up at Lorit. "You don't look too good yourself. Why don't you go get some sleep?"

  "I need to take care of Chihon." Lorit steadied himself on the bedpost. He didn't feel all that well himself.

  The old woman stood up and took Lorit's arm. She guided him to the door. "Go to bed. I'll come to get you if she gets any worse. I'm sure she will be well by morning."

She looked Lorit over carefully. "Probably better than you will be in the morning. Now go."

  Lorit waited until he heard the door click shut behind him and made his way to his own room. He was unsteady and felt like he might not make it, but he found his room and collapsed onto the bed. He didn't even take time to pull off his boots before he was fast asleep.

  Chapter 3

  The shaking of the earth woke Lorit. His head throbbed with every beat of his heart. His mouth felt like a horse had slept in it overnight. It took a moment for him to realize that it wasn't the earth moving; it just felt like it. He was being shaken in his comfortable bed. He opened his eyes to see a servant standing over him.

  "Come on, they're ready," the servant said.

  Lorit sat up slowly, but that only increased the pain and disorientation he felt. He looked at the young man through foggy eyes. "Who's ready?"

  Lorit was somewhat confused about where he was and who was speaking to him.

  "Prince Ghall and Chihon are ready. Your horses are ready. Everyone is ready for your departure except you." The young man laughed. Lorit looked up at him through eyes that ached with just the effort to focus them. He stood up and quickly sat back down before his stomach erupted or his head split open. He cradled his head in his arms, moaning.

  "What happened to me?" Lorit asked.

  "I think you had a little too much wine last night." The servant helped Lorit stand and guided him to the wash basin. He waited while Lorit made his morning preparations and then escorted him to the stables.

  Lorit arrived at the livery only slightly more awake than when he'd first been shaken out of his deep sleep. The fresh air did little to improve his condition. Chihon was already mounted and waiting for him. The king had provided horses and supplies just as she said he would. Lorit was happy that he could ride as he wasn't going to make it far on foot.

  "Come on," Chihon said. "It's time to go. Prince Ghall is waiting for us at the main gate."

  "I think I'm going to die," Lorit said as the servants hoisted him into the saddle, and he almost fell off the other side. It took him a bit to find his balance and settle into the saddle. He shook the reins, and the horse lurched into motion. Lorit hung on, hoping he would survive the rolling motion of the chestnut mare beneath him. What he really wanted was to be back in that large soft bed, sleeping.

  The horse plodded along the dusty road leading to the main gate. Lorit grasped the horn of the saddle until his knuckles turned white, trying to find a position where he wasn't in imminent danger of falling off.

  They arrived at the gate just as the sun was fully over the horizon.

  King Orin was there in his hunting garb, standing next to Prince Ghall. He was talking quietly to the boy as Lorit and Chihon approached.

  The king hugged his son and helped him mount his horse, then extended his hand and grasped that of the boy. He shook it briskly and released it.

  The king turned to Lorit. "Take good care of my son." When he saw Lorit's discomfort, he laughed. "It looks like someone needs practice at court dining. Don't worry, it will pass."

  Lorit tried to smile, but even that effort brought on a renewed burst of nausea.

  The king slapped Lorit's horse, and it lurched sickeningly forward. Lorit managed to croak out something unintelligible as they started for the gate.

  "Goodbye, Sire," Chihon called out. She turned in her saddle, looking back at the castle with tears in her eyes.

  Lorit wondered what had gotten into her. They'd only been in the castle for two days, and she had hardly spoken to the king. He wondered why she was sad to leave, but his own queasiness quickly pushed any thoughts of her out of his mind.

  Lorit passed the day trying to stay upright in his saddle while holding the contents of his stomach inside. The morning sun was in his eyes until it moved off the horizon, and then it was just hot. There was no breeze, and the flies buzzed around his head in constant annoyance.

  As the sun set, Lorit gladly called a halt for the night. He pointed out a large oak tree along the banks of a stream that fed the river. Its branches created a canopy over a green pasture with a few large boulders strewn around it. The stream would provide water for the horses and refreshment for the weary travelers. Lorit looked forward to getting off his horse if only to stop the swaying.

  Prince Ghall led the horses to the stream and left them there while Chihon spread out a blanket and started laying out their dinner. Lorit took one look at the food and ran for the river, holding his stomach. He returned shortly, feeling only slightly better.

  Chihon handed him a skin and said, "Drink this. It will make you feel better."

  "What is it?" He didn't want any more wine. He'd had enough to last him a season.

  "It's water with a little lemon mixed in."

  Lorit took it and drank it slowly at first, but when it stayed put, he finished the whole thing.

  Chihon reached inside the pack and brought out a small bottle that held a brownish fluid. "Drink this too." She handed it to him. "The physician prepared it for you."

  "How did he know I would need this?" Lorit shook the vial, watching the thick dark brown fluid slosh around. He never trusted potions and always avoided them if he could, but he felt that anything was better than the way he was feeling.

  "Someone always needs it, and today that someone is you."

  Lorit drank the liquid. It had a strangely soothing effect on his nauseated innards, but he still wasn't interested in food. "I don't think I can eat anything yet."

  "That's all right. Prince Ghall and I are hungry. You should rest and let the medicine work."

  Prince Ghall returned with a skin of water. Chihon gathered rocks for a fire ring, filled it with kindling and small branches, and set out a pot of water above it to heat. She rummaged through the pack looking for something. "I thought we had matches."

  "What do you need matches for?" Lorit wondered why she didn't use her magic.

  "To light the fire." Chihon gave him a look of exasperation.

  "That's not how we light the fire." Lorit reached out his hand and flicked his fingers. "Incendo ignio."

  Nothing happened.

  He tried again, willing his mind to focus and bring the fire into existence. He'd done this countless times before, but for some reason, his magic was in no better shape than his head.

  "Can you use your magic?" he asked.

  Chihon just shook her head and kept looking in the pack. She found the matches and struck one, lighting the fire. She blew on the kindling and fanned the flames to life.

  "My magic doesn't seem to be working." Lorit tried to raise his shields but failed. He reached for Chihon's magic, hoping that hers was strong enough to accomplish that simple task. It was distant and muted, almost as if she were shielding herself from him.

  He pushed harder, trying to make contact with her, but she didn't respond. He looked at her, wondering why she was pushing him away, but she just sat there fanning the flames as if she was oblivious to his attempts.

  Why was she blocking him from her magic? She'd never done that before, except when he'd tried to take the magic from the priest. He didn't understand why she was so guarded with him now.

  "Is there something wrong?" Lorit asked.

  "I'm fine," she said without looking up from her task.

  Lorit decided that she must still be upset with him for his behavior at the banquet. He wanted to apologize and make it right. He hadn't meant to offend her; he'd just been enjoying himself. "Did I do something to upset you?"

  Chihon looked back at him with a look of innocence. "No. Why do you ask?"

  Before he could respond, Prince Ghall sat down on the blanket next to her and reached for the food. She poured a cup of tea and held it out to him, touching her elbow lightly with her free hand as she offered it.

  Lorit looked on slightly confused. Where had Chihon learned something like that? She'd only spent two days in the castle, and already she'd picked up the mannerisms of the nobles. He
wondered what else she'd picked up.

  "My father is worried about me," the prince said. "He had my life all planned out, and now I've ruined it. He says he's not mad at me, but I know he is."

  "Maybe they will decide that you don't have magic," Chihon said. She leaned in and touched the prince on his knee. "It will all work out. Don't worry about it. Your father's not mad at you."

  "I can't help but worry. I was betrothed to a powerful family. The marriage would join a powerful house with ours. It would seal the peace between us.

  "Father needs that union. If I don't marry their daughter, my sister will have to marry their son, Honn."

  "He's a lout with bad breath and no sense of humor," Chihon blurted.

  Lorit watched her face sour as she spoke. How did she even know who the prince was talking about? He was growing worried about her.

  "He's not that bad," Prince Ghall said. He took another bite, chewing noisily as he continued. "Besides, Father will convince her that it's for the best. She really has no choice, she'll come around, or Father will make her."

  "He will not force me to marry that lout," Chihon shouted. She stood up, threw her cup on the blanket, and stormed off.

  Lorit tried to focus his thoughts. What was she talking about? Chihon didn't even know these people, yet she'd reacted as if she'd been personally insulted. He jumped up and ran after her, grabbing her by the arm.

  "What's going on here?" he demanded.

  "I don't know what you're talking about!"

  Chihon struggled to free herself, but Lorit held fast. He didn't care if he hurt her because this couldn't be Chihon. But if it wasn't her, then who?

  "You're not Chihon. Who are you?" he demanded, shaking her.

  "What are you talking about? Don't you recognize me? Just look at me."